Last Shelter

  • Strategy CATEGORY
  • 4.3

  • Everyone AGE

Last Shelter

  • Strategy CATEGORY
  • 4.3

  • Everyone AGE


  • Last Updated: April 8, 2021

  • Platform: android ios

  • Current Version: 1.250.206

  • Size: 69.13 Mb

  • Developer: Long Tech Network Limited

  • Ratings: Everyone

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1. Introduction of the game:
Last Shelter is a captivating multiplayer strategy game set in a post-apocalyptic world, where players compete for resources and build their own formidable bases to survive against hordes of zombie attacks. As the leader of a group of survivors, your ultimate goal is to build a thriving city, establish alliances, and defend against the relentless zombie waves that threaten to engulf humanity.

2. All characters and levels of the game:
In Last Shelter, players can choose from a diverse range of characters, each with their own unique abilities, expertise, and role in the post-apocalyptic world. From sharpshooters and medics to engineers and researchers, players must strategically deploy these characters to maximize their city's survival chances. As the game progresses, players unlock new levels and challenges, which require different strategies and tactics to overcome.

3. What attracts users most to the game:
One of the key attractions of Last Shelter is its immersive gameplay experience, which seamlessly combines elements of base-building, strategy, and multiplayer interaction. The game offers a deep level of customization and decision-making, allowing players to create their own thriving settlements and manage resources efficiently. Additionally, the constant threat of zombie attacks and the need to form alliances with other players create an intense and engaging gameplay experience.

4. Why it is popular:
Last Shelter has gained popularity among gamers due to its addictive nature and the thrill of survival in a post-apocalyptic world. The game offers a visually stunning environment with detailed graphics and immersive sound effects, enhancing the overall gaming experience. Furthermore, regular updates, events, and new features added by the developers keep the game fresh and exciting, attracting a dedicated and loyal player base.

5. When the game was released and how many versions are currently available:
Last Shelter was initially released in 2017 and has since gained significant popularity. Currently, there are multiple versions of the game available across different platforms, including iOS and Android devices.

6. The most difficult part of the game:
The most challenging aspect of Last Shelter lies in defending your base against increasingly difficult zombie attacks and rival players. Balancing resource management, strategic deployment of characters, and building a well-fortified base becomes crucial in surviving and thriving in the game.

7. Strengths and weaknesses of the game:
One of the strengths of Last Shelter is its immersive gameplay, which keeps players engaged for extended periods. The game offers a wide range of customization options and strategic decision-making, allowing players to create unique playstyles. However, one weakness could be the steep learning curve for beginners, as understanding the intricacies of base-building, resource management, and combat strategies may take time.

8. What other games have been developed by the same developer:
The developer of Last Shelter, Long Tech Network Limited, has also developed other popular strategy games such as Guns of Glory, King of Avalon, and War and Order. These games also feature immersive gameplay, strategic elements, and multiplayer interactions, garnering a dedicated player base.



Please Rate This Game

  • CelestialScribe

    I had high hopes for Last Shelter: Survival, but it's heavily pay-to-win.

  • EnigmaticEon

    Last Shelter: Survival is a captivating strategy game. The graphics and animations are impressive, and the alliance-based gameplay keeps things exciting. It can be addictive, and I've made great friends within my alliance. A fantastic way to pass the time.

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